Service Programs
The following areas are pursued by the volunteer members of Northwestern Region to help implement our mission of Soroptimist through awareness, advocacy and action:
Dream It, Be It reaches girls in secondary school who face obstacles to their future success. Through small group workshops or a conference setting, we mentor girls on setting and achieving their goals, moving forward after setbacks or failures, and discovering career opportunities.
Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women
This is an annual award funded by clubs, regions and Soroptimist International of the Americas, and is Soroptimist International of the America’s identifying service project. The program aids women who, as heads of their households, must enter or return to the workforce in order to support themselves and their families.
Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls
Soroptimist International of the Americas offers Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls to assist clubs in starting up or continuing projects in their communities that improve the lives of women and/or girls.
Soroptimist International President’s Appeal
Every year on December 10th, the Soroptimist International President asks all Soroptimist to join her in making a small sacrifice by contributing to a project that will assist women living in extreme poverty. This tradition began in 1981 and has assisted women in countries throughout the world including India, Kenya, Angola, Laos, Western Samoa, the former Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic, Moldavia and many others. The date, December 10th, was chosen to commemorate the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and is recognized today as the United Nations’ Human Rights Day.